
MuchMore Studio

Critic Art Universe Foundation
评论艺术宇宙基金会 ©️
Collaborate with artist Maurice Huvelin 与艺术家莫里斯·虞威璘  合作
Now Working

Shuai Liu & Maurice Huvelin are artists who create transcendent works. They are also curators, editors and critics of Universal Contemporary Art.

Today they are awarding the Arta-nale Critics' Prize to contemporary artist Xrankurtzig Boudek for his work "Flashpoo". Computer data, based on a real-time audio recording of a break session in the public toilets of the European Parliament in Brussels, are transformed and recycled into digital NFTs thanks to the personal AI of Hungarian sculptor Xrankurtzig Boudek, who recently exhibited at the Plateforme du Louvre. The work, entitled "Krotyn Blokchën", is made up of digital micro-particles of MPs' excrement and urine preserved in a sealed container labelled with the code Xcgfd76396-fgb for a value of 3,000,000 euros, the original copy. The original piece now belongs to the Critic Art Universe Foundation©. A numbered analogue series of CAUF©-certified single copies, with a luxury paper edition, photographic prints and video on USB key are sold for between 8,000 and 800,000 euros, depending on the print format and the package requested. A special collector's edition of the unfalsifiable work, encrypted and engraved by the AI cauf-cauf© on a gold micro-disc, is kept at the Ministry of Culture of the Kugelmugel Republic on the Prater in Vienna, Austria.

刘帅和莫里斯·虞威璘是创作超凡作品的艺术家。他们也是 Universal Contemporary Art 的策展人、编辑和评论家。

今天,他们将 Arta-nale 评论家奖颁发给当代艺术家 Xrankurtzig Boudek,以表彰他的作品《Flashpoo》。计算机数据基于布鲁塞尔欧洲议会公共厕所休息时间的实时录音,在匈牙利雕塑家 Xrankurtzig Boudek 的个人人工智能的帮助下,被转化并回收为数字 NFT,Xrankurtzig Boudek 最近在卢浮宫平台展出。这件名为《Krotyn Blokchën》的作品由议员粪便和尿液的数字微粒组成,保存在一个密封容器中,标签代码为 Xcgfd76396-fgb,原件价值 3,000,000 欧元。原件现在属于 Critic Art Universe Foundation©。一系列 CAUF© 认证的单行本,包括豪华纸质版、照片印刷品和 USB 钥匙上的视频,售价在 8,000 至 800,000 欧元之间,具体取决于印刷格式和要求的包装。这部不可伪造作品的特别收藏版由 AI cauf-cauf© 加密并雕刻在金色微型光盘上,保存在奥地利维也纳普拉特的库格尔穆格尔共和国文化部。

©Liu Shuai 2024