
MuchMore Studio

Unused Algorithm Archive
Now Working

Currently, the field of generative visual or object art is gradually being influenced by algorithmic constraints, and the creative process seems to be mired in an "algorithmic" quagmire. Artists often generate new images simply by rearranging and combining existing algorithms. However, the works produced in this way often lack uniqueness and innovation, leading to a phenomenon of homogenization in the entire field.

Nevertheless, we also see that the academic community has produced a large number of algorithms for simulating nature, which have been extensively discussed and explored in journal papers. These algorithms are not limited to the traditional field of visual arts but have wide applications and research in computer science, artificial intelligence, and other fields. They can simulate natural phenomena, biological systems, physical processes, etc., providing richer possibilities for artistic creation.

However, visual artists still face challenges in the creative process. Existing tools and algorithms often fail to meet their needs because they lack personalization and specificity. Even algorithms built into some software or features provided by popular plugins may not necessarily help artists realize their creative ideas.




©Liu Shuai 2024