
MuchMore Studio

Happiness blooms 
between the universe
Supporting organizations:

Academy of Media Arts Cologne, Experimental Game Culture Research at University of Applied Arts Vienna,
LUDUS Game Experimental Magazine Platform,
VAMOS Animation Studio Cologne

Concept and exhibition support:
Liu Yewen

Digital technology support: 
Pan Zhibin, Xie Bin, Zhan Lei


概念与展览支持: 刘烨闻

Now Working

3D digital games, experimental video, lighting installations, sculptures, Unity/Unreal Engine, 3D scanning, Mixed Reality, AI real-time interactive image generation, Touchdesigner, Isadora

The project "Happiness Blossoms in the Universe" is a science fiction narrative centered on the local culture of Guangdong, particularly the concept of "Guangdong Provincial Items." As someone who has lived in Guangdong for many years, this narrative explores the past, present, and future of Guangdong's local culture. It illustrates how, amid globalization and technological advancements, Guangdong uses "provincial items" as relational ties to establish a unique discourse space where a diverse world can coexist and prosper happily.

I will delve into the cultural context and social changes of Guangzhou's "items" and examine how they navigate the balance between tradition and modernization in a rapidly developing world. This will present a hopeful and resilient vision of the future, redefining the deep civilization of Guangdong through the concept of "reverse Tiangang."

The operational philosophy of this fictional future civilization revolves around the interconnected cycle of generation, circulation, and sublimation, which I will describe in detail:

Generation: Asian futurism will play a significant role as the driving force of society. It emphasizes how Guangzhou integrates advanced technologies like artificial intelligence and virtual reality with local culture, creating innovations such as "modular shrimp dumplings," "quantum food stalls," and "cinemas on benches." This approach not only addresses global climate challenges and technological changes but also showcases Guangzhou's unique potential and aspirations in environmental adaptability and green technology.

Circulation: Conversely, electronic waste as a "media" recycling engine symbolizes the environmental and social issues that modern technological progress may bring, such as "computable emotions" and "programmable empathy." The project will analyze Guangzhou's strategies and innovations in handling electronic waste, reflecting on the balance between technological progress and sustainable development of future life.

Sublimation: The civilization code represents the new spirit of technological worship in a digital society. It is not only part of the local life of the people of Guangdong but also philosophically exists in its practical applications and profound impact on citizen behavior and social structures. This section explores how happiness and social harmony are redefined in the digital era.

In refining the project, I will delve deeper into various keywords to construct a unique magical realism style that positions Guangdong as the engine of future civilization at the intersection of "technological provincial items" and "cultural provincial items." The project will employ diverse research methods, including digital field surveys and data analysis, to thoroughly explore the local cultural characteristics of Guangdong and its science fiction attributes. By examining Guangdong from an outsider's perspective, I aim to articulate a new vision of a happiness-blossoming civilization in the universe.

三维数字游戏,实验影像,灯光装置,雕塑, Unity/Unreal Engine, 三维扫描,Mixed Reality混合现实,人工智能实时交互图像生成,Touchdesigner, Isadora




©Liu Shuai 2024