
MuchMore Studio

Women Hold Half the World - Stochnia Gdansk
妇女能顶半边天 —— 列宁造船厂


2022 Gdansk, Poland 

58’20’’, 3840 * 2160, sound, color 

The video documented my performance in the center of Gdansk, Poland, using materials such as sand and flowers collected from the old Lenin Shipyard (Stocknia Gdansk) not far away. With the phrase "Women can hold up half of the sky - Lenin's shipyard" was showen on the ground (a phrase used by Mao Zedong and later quoted by then US President Joe Biden as a political weapon to solve different problems, which in my opinion is a lost dialectical political propaganda), this ritual of commemoration of feminism in Poland during the communist period began, and it will never end, because the sands will float to every corner of Gdansk.
2022 波兰 格但斯克 


影像作品纪录了我在波兰格但斯克市中心的行为表演,表演所用的沙土和花等材料均收集于不远处的旧列宁造船厂(Stocknia Gdansk)。伴随着我在地面上摆出”妇女能顶半边天——列宁造船厂“字样(这句话为毛泽东所说,后又被美国时任总统拜登所引用,作为解决不同问题的政治武器,在我看来这都是失去了辩证的政治宣扬),这场对波兰共产主义时期的女权主义的纪念仪式便开始了,它并不会结束,因为这些沙土会飘散到格但斯克的每一个角落。

©Liu Shuai 2024