
MuchMore Studio

Across the Great Wall
we can reach every corner in the world
Collaborate with artist  Liu Yewen 与艺术家刘烨闻合作
2023  Karlsruhe, Germany & Paris, France

3 channels video
4’26’’, 5760 * 1080, sound, color 

On September 14, 1987, CANET (China Academic Network) officially built China's first international Internet e-mail node within the Institute of Computer Application Technology in Beijing, and on September 14, sent the first Chinese e-mail to the University of Karlsruhe in Germany via a server in Italy: "Across the Great Wall we can reach every corner in the world. Unveiling the prelude of chinese internet application.

But nowadays, from the point of view of stating facts, we are still able to access Google in mainland China only through the legal means of data transfer via email. The images from the left to the right screen are: from Beijing to Karlsruhe in Google Earth, a view of a church in Karlsruhe, and a found footage video of China in 1987.
2023 德国 卡尔斯鲁厄 / 法国 巴黎

4’26’’, 5760 * 1080, sound, color 

1987年九月14日,CANET(中国学术网)在北京计算机应用技术研究所内正式建成中国第一个国际互联网电子邮件节点,并于9月14日,经由意大利的服务器向德国卡尔斯鲁厄大学发出了中国第一封电子邮件:“Across the Great Wall we can reach every corner in the world.(越过长城,走向世界)”,揭开了中国人使用互联网的序幕。


©Liu Shuai 2024